Our Fertilization Services and Programs are Backed with Over 20 Years of Experience.
Greener Days has over 20 years experience in providing lawn care fertilization.
Our people are licensed to provide and apply all the chemicals necessary to ensure proper care and maintenance of your lawn.
We use “Slow Released” granular fertilizer to properly feed and nourish your lawn. Our fertilizers are fine tuned for the New England area which allows for the most efficient feeding of your lawn and soil. Other mass produced fertilizer products are designed to satisfy a broader area of the country and may be less effective for our particular region.
In addition to the proper feeding and maintenance of your lawn, we also provide Crabgrass Control, Broadleaf Weed Control, Sedge Control, Grub, Tick and Ant Control, Limestone and Winterizing fertilizer, Core Aeration and Poison Ivy Control and Elimination.